Why do we need green finance so much?
Growing carbon footprint of industries has put sectors such as power and steel in the spotlight as major contributors to the climate crisis. The challenge of climate change can be tackled only by making our industries and businesses follow practices...
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Digital technology helps financial services overcome ESG data challenges and ESG-related risks.
Sustainability is critical to the survival of our planet. Therefore, all businesses, including financial services, have a responsibility to improve their ESG stance, not least because their customers expect it. By becoming more sustainable as an organization, and also in...
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Listing on Social Stock Exchange – the futuristic market
By: CA. Kamal Garg Creation of a social stock exchange (SSE) had been proposed by the Union Minister of Finance and Corporate Affairs, Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman, while presenting the Union Budget 2019-20 in the Parliament. The Finance Minister said that...
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ESG and BRSR Compliance For Indian Companies
SEBI has prescribed the format for the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (“BRSR”): 1. BRSR is applicable on top 1000 listed companies the reporting of BRSR shall be voluntary for FY 2021–22 and mandatory from FY 2022–23. 2. How consultants...
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